Top 10 Fundamental qualities of good programmers

Top 10 Fundamental qualities of good programmers

First, a quick note: This is just one way to think about becoming a better programmer. It’s almost certainly not the only way to think about it and you may find some other way more useful to you.

This is a list of what we believe are fundamental qualities that all good programmers share. It is based on our observations from the more than two years that we’ve been running Hacker School. It’s not perfect—there are qualities that we’re missing and there’s some overlap between the ones that we have listed—but it’s been very useful for us so far. We expect that it will grow and change as Hacker School does.

Knowing one programming language really well

Programming languages are just tools for telling computers what to do. It is better to have a strong command of one than a weak command of a bunch. Good programmers have at least one language that they know inside and out and can reach for to easily solve whatever problem is at hand

Being a systematic debugger

Being a systematic debugger means that you have a good mental model of your code and that when you run into a bug—that is, when your program doesn’t work as expected—you generate hypotheses about what’s wrong, instead of blindly changing things until your program works.

Having a good mental model of your programming environment

Most programs interact with the outside world, so having an understanding of your environment is important. This includes the I/O and concurrency primitives that your language provides, the way your language finds, loads, compiles, and runs code, the way that your program gets info from the outside world (e.g., environmental variables and command line arguments), and the way your OS handles file access, device access, search paths, etc.

Having a good mental model of the hardware you use

Knowing how your hardware works makes it easier to write efficient programs. Even if you are writing programs in a higher level language, understanding things like the call stack, the MMU, the cost of context switching, the memory hierarchy, and the characteristics of the network you are connected to will inform your programming decisions.

Being comfortable with algorithmic thinking

A lot of people confuse algorithmic thinking with knowing a bunch of particular algorithms like quicksort or binary search.

An algorithm is a set of steps describing a calculation. Much of programming is simply describing algorithms to a computer. Being comfortable with algorithmic thinking means having good intuition for how to store and manipulate your data, being able to think both iteratively and recursively, and being able to reason about the performance characteristics of the code you write.

Being comfortable with mathematical thinking

Programming is not as math-heavy as many non-programmers think, but as you start tackling tougher problems, you’ll find that being comfortable with math comes in handy. Many interesting areas of programming like computer graphics, signal processing, and cryptography require a deep understanding of math. Even just measuring the performance of your code can require some statistical thinking.

Being able to write a program from scratch

It is hard to imagine a good programmer who cannot write a program from scratch.

Being able to work on a small piece of a large program

Most of the time you’re not writing a program from scratch. Instead, you’re working with other programmers on a large project.

Knowing how to structure your code

Well-structured code allows you to easily navigate up and down through layers of abstraction. In a well-structured program, you can ignore implementation details when they don’t matter and modify the implementation without having to make changes in all the places where the code is used.

Having a large code radius

Code radius is a term that Alan came up with. Your code radius is the size of the largest program you’re comfortable writing from scratch. Increasing your code radius takes practice. The structural tools that work well for a 500 line program are not necessarily the same as the ones that work for a 5,000 line program or a 50,000 line program.

Being able to code quickly

Often times it’s faster to try out a few different solutions and decide which is the most elegant than to figure out the correct one just by thinking about it. If you find “quickly” to be too subjective, consider the inverse: It’s hard to imagine a good programmer who is slow.

Being productive with your tools

Good programmers use their tools effectively. This doesn’t mean you have to use all the tools available to you in order to be a good programmer—not everyone likes IDEs and plenty of good programmers prefer printf to a debugger—just that good programmers are productive with the tools they choose to use.